Go Africa Health LLC, endeavors to advance the wellness and health consciousness of Africa through local and international health and wellness initiatives via the following methods and vehicles.

  • News, education and awareness for health related issues
  • Telemedicine, mobile clincs & mobile health care delivery
  • Direct intervention and delivery of health, wellness, education, technology, and training initiatives that are linked to well-being in order to facilitate growth, development and progressive self-sustainment of the targeted populous.
  • Direct development, sales and marketing of Health and wellness solutions and related services for Africa and the Americas
  • Promotion of health and wellness events, forums, meetings, and fairs via public-private partnerships and governmental collaboration to encourage health via for countries in Africa and indigent populations in the US.
  • Assimilation, processing and analysis of information that facilitates communication and information sharing for African communities in the context of progressive health and nutrition.
  • Promote and develop initiatives, technologies, and programs for health, wellness, nutrition, training, and education initiatives that are linked to employment in order to facilitate growth, development and progressive self-sustainment of the targeted populous via public-private partnerships and governmental collaboration.