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 Men’s Fitness

 Are you looking to change your sports drink? Thinking about changing it to something all natural? If so, you’re probably considering the beverage some regard as the ultimate natural sports drink, coconut water. But, while it may be a popular choice, is coconut water right for you?



Recently at the National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS), researchers presented their coconut water findings. They explained that coconut water is an effective sports drink if you’re looking to replenish potassium levels. In fact, they found that coconut water has as much as five times the potassium that’s available in Powerade and Gatorade. Considering these high potassium levels, it’s clear that coconut water is a good choice for anyone engaging in moderate level workouts, as it’ll help in fighting off the effects of muscle cramps.

However, the findings weren’t all positive. Researchers also explained that while potassium levels are higher in coconut water, its sodium levels are comparatively lacking. Their research found it to have only two-thirds of the sodium levels found in Gatorade and Powerade. Consequently, if you engage in intense and strenuous workouts with excessive sweating, it’s probably not the best choice.

If you’re still weighing your sports drink options, begin by assessing your needs. The average American’s diet is high in sodium content and comparatively low in potassium. However, it’s important to consider your specific diet and style of workouts. Do you perform moderate or high intensity workouts? Do you sweat a lot? Is your diet comparable to that of the average American? While coconut water is an effective sports drink that suits the needs of many, it may not be the ultimate sports drink to feed all your needs.